Aromatherapy can create a clean, comfortable, relaxing environment for you and your family in your home.
Creating a clean place for you and your family to live is very important. First of all, there are germs everywhere and second nobody wants to live in a dirty house. That’s what cleansers at the store are for, right? Yes they are, but they’re also very toxic in more ways than one. If a child or animal accidentally ingests those chemical products, they could be poisoned. Also just breathing in those harsh chemicals, while using them to clean, is damaging to anyone around.
So how exactly would you use aromatherapy to clean your house? That’s easy. There are a couple essential oils that are commonly used for cleaning purposes. These include lavender oil, tea tree oil, lemon oil, frankincense oil, pine oil, and grapefruit oil.
Tea tree oil is wonderful to use on its own as a disinfectant. You can use it to clean just about anything around the house: floors, counters, sinks, toilets, and showers.. It also works well if you mix it with lavender oil. Just get a water bottle and fill it with water and a little borax or baking soda. Then add just a few drops of tea tree and lavender oil and you’ve made your own pleasant smelling disinfectant.
Pine and frankincense both have similar cleaning properties to those of lavender and tea tree oil. You can do the same thing as stated above for a different aroma. This mixture would be good for tackling mold that’s growing around the house. You can also heat some frankincense oil and just let the vapors fill your house. Germs will be dissolved and the air will be fresh and clean.
Lemon essential oil is great for cleaning carpets. Instead of other cleaners, add some lemon oil to the water and go for it. Remember to use more essential oil for this task than you would for say putting together a small water bottle or using an essential oil diffuser. It’s a tough job so bring in the muscles.
Grapefruit, pine or tea tree oil are all effective to use as a room deodorizer. If someone smokes at your house or you have pets you’ll appreciate what these oils can do. You can use any of these mixed in with some water, pour it into a spray bottle and spray away. These essential oils will not just mask the odors you’re trying to get rid of. They’ll actually take them away. You can even use this mixture as a bathroom or car freshener if you’d like.
Okay, so now that your house is clean it’s one step closer to being comfortable and relaxed. What a difference a clean house can make. So your house probably already smells wonderful from the natural cleaning supplies you used, but if you want something different or more relaxing there’s an oil for you.
Lavender oil is known for the ability to alleviate headaches, lift depression and promote relaxation. It has a light floral scent that you’ll love.
Frankincense is an essential oil that will help to slow and deepen your breathing. Use some of this in your house and everyone will calm down. You might want to blend the frankincense with another scent to lighten it up a little.
Rose oil is another popular essential oil that will put you and your family in a good mood. It also has a light floral scent that will help keep you focused while you clean.
To create that comfortable relaxed environment in your home, you can use a diffuser or oil lamp to warm the essential oils. Or, if all else fails you can always mix another bottle of water with your favorite aroma and spray it anywhere you like.
So now you can safely and effectively clean your house without using harsh chemicals. You and your family will feel good and be protected from breathing anything that could be harmful to you. When people come into your house they’ll enjoy the natural aromatherapy in your house.
Aug 20, 2007
Aromatherapy in the Home
Posted by health benefit at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy in Easier Pregnancy
Pregnancy is both a wonderful time and an also a time for stress and apprehension. Aromas have a powerful effect on our bodies and can influence our emotional state. Aromatherapy roughly translates as "treatment with scents." It is the practice of using essential oils as a therapy to go with the program your doctor has you on. It heals and uplifts the mind, body, and spirit. Aromatherapy can be a great benefit throughout pregnancy and during birth.
Can aromatherapy help you to have an easier pregnancy and birth? It can be safe if used in moderation and only after the first trimester. During pregnancy, our sense of smell is heightened so what would normally smell good to us, may be excessively strong during pregnancy.
Aromatherapy uses many different methods to get the essential oils into the body. A massage with essential oils in carrier oil is one of the most popular but other methods are baths, vaporizers, inhalations, and scented compresses.
A massage from a knowledgeable therapist can be done after first consulting with the client’s doctor. Gentle massaging or stroking the back and the legs can help ease them through this emotionally and physically demanding time. It is important that you use only half the essential oils as for a normal person. The therapist should be sure the client is comfortable, never making her lie on her front. She can lie on her side with her legs drawn up and a pillow under her knees that will make her comfortable. On the other hand, she can use pillows and lean forward on the therapist couch or table.
All essential oils should be diluted in carrier oils, creams, or lotions for massages. It is important to remember that during pregnancy you should use half of what a normal adult would use, whether it's in a bath or a massage, or even in the air.
Some essential oils should not be used during pregnancy at all and are considered a health risk. These oils should not be used during pregnancy: thyme, rosemary, rose, peppermint, origanum, parsley, myrrh, lemongrass, marjoram, basil, cedarwood, fennel, juniper, clary sage, cypress, and jasmine. During the first trimester if you are using aromatherapy at all, it's important you avoid chamomile and lavender. After the first trimester, they may be used and are helpful.
Citrus oils such as orange, lemon, and grapefruit are considered safe to use during pregnancy and have an uplifting affect on the body. Don't use them before being exposed to direct sunlight because it could cause skin discoloration.
A therapist can be helpful while giving a gentle massage for poor circulation problems, backache, apprehension, and water retention, all which are common during the last two trimesters of pregnancy.
Another word of caution is that aromatherapy and massages should not be given during pregnancy if the patient has had prior miscarriages or other complications during pregnancy. If she has experienced any bleeding, she should not be treated with massage or aromatherapy. Varicose veins, high blood pressure may suggest different complications and should be treated by the client’s doctor or midwife. A well-known medical saying used by nurses and doctors alike is “First, do no harm.”
Essential oils and aromatherapy can also be used safely during labor. Jasmine is warm, fragrant and has antispasmodic and analgesic properties. Lavender is an antiseptic and is great for aching back and limbs. Geranium helps breathing and is good for circulation. Ylang Ylang is calming and lowers blood pressure during a stressful time.
Aromatherapy can be an important part of having an easier pregnancy. It should not be used during the first trimester. Stay away from the oils that are listed above as harmful to pregnancy. The same calming scents you use during your time of labor can also be helpful to your birth partner. Remember, use essential oils with caution during pregnancy, and consult someone who is a professional in this area.
Aromatherapy and therapeutic massage can be good for pregnancy, especially as a means of relaxation. Relieving stress and being able to enjoy this special time in your life is one area that aromatherapy will help. So relax, enjoy this period of your life, and get all the rest you can. You may not be able to get much rest after the baby is born.
Posted by health benefit at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy Bath Basics
Aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted from natural plants and the term means “treatment using scents.” Using botanical oils such as rose, lemon, lemon, and peppermint can change your mood, ease fatigue, promote relaxation, and relieve stress. Aromatherapy has been used for over 6000 years, but the term was not used until 1930 when the word was coined for the therapeutic use of essential oils. A French chemist was fascinated after using lavender oil in healing his burned hands. The healed hand didn’t have any scars. He started experimenting the use of other essential oils for healing and for the psychological benefits.
During World War II, the essential oils were found to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and pain relieving abilities. They work on the brain by stimulating the olfactory nerves. These oils can be extracted from plants, flowers, trees, fruits, bark seeds, and grasses. In total, there are about 150 different essential oils. They can be used to stimulate your body, help with digestion, used as an antidepressant and expectorant. The maximum benefit is from using oils extracted from pure raw materials. Synthetically made oils are not effective as their all-natural counterparts.
Aromatherapy is one of the fastest growing alternative medicine fields. It is used in homes, clinics, and hospitals and even in some shopping malls and waiting rooms. The scent of lavender and rosemary can calm waiting customers and patients.
How can you reap the benefits of these scent treatments in your home? One of the easiest ways can be in your bath. Aromatherapy works best when working on the body and mind at the same time. Adding essential oils to your bath can do just that. The oils in your bath can stimulate your sense of smell. Odors have a known impact on how we feel. Some scents can remind us of happy events in our childhood, such as the smell of vanilla from a fresh baked batch of sugar cookies. The smell of a campfire can bring back unpleasant memories of a camp you didn’t enjoy as a child. We can distinguish 10,000 different smells. By placing essential oils in our bath, we are reaping the benefits from both the scent of the oils and the soothing quality of the oils being absorbed into the skin.
A hot and relaxing bath using essential oils can calm stressed bodies, ease tired muscles, and allow you to meditate and think about the many blessings in your life. A few essential oils in a hot, steamy bath can bring you a new enjoyment into an otherwise boring bath time. Meditation, thinking, calming your body, clearing your mind, and concentrating on yourself makes a bath a treat for body, mind, and spirit.
When you use essential oils in your bath can soothe and refresh you and help you sleep better. Essential oils can be useful in treating acne and other skin ailments. Soothing the skin and allowing the natural oils to slowly penetrate and soften your skin, you can relieve itching and soreness on your skin.
Another advantage to a hot soothing bath with natural oils is what it can do for your mind. It relieves stress and other nerve disorders by naturally calming our bodies, and opening our minds. You can create a more stable mental state by allowing the oils to feel calmer and stronger. Some of the oils are considered help in furthering romance. A few drops can help you and your spouse to relax enough to enjoy a healthy, passionate time of intimacy. This is another known stress reliever.
Fragrant bath salts or bubble baths are not the same as using essential oils. They may form bubbles and make you feel good, but the therapeutic benefits are not included in this experience. Essential oils can help you enjoy your bath, by feeling the warm water, smelling the wonderful scents and knowing the oil is seeping into your body.
Your skin gets a layer of pure essential oils; vapors rising from the hot water enter your olfactory system as well as your lungs. It calms the mind, and help put problems into perspective. If you haven’t tried this wonderful at home treatment, why not buy some essential oils and enjoy a new experience while taking a bath.
Posted by health benefit at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Aromatherapy
Aug 16, 2007
Green Tea Diet Pills
Too many diet pills and products are available in the market today that it is hard to determine which one really works. Several manufacturing companies specializing in diet pills and other weight loss products are quick to claim the effectiveness of their diet pills even without proper scientific backing. Some diet pills even contain substances that have harmful effects to the body.
Diet pill ingredients like ephedra have been to known to cause complications from cardiovascular palpitations to hypertension and diarrhea. Several cases have been reported by the FDA of the harmful effects of diet pills and other weight loss products. But even then, people continue to buy and use diet pills.
Good Diet Pills
Though some diet pills contain harmful elements, not all diet pills are bad. Diet pills made from herbs can have several benefits aside from weight loss. Some of these herbal diet pills come from plants such as nettle, green tea, and dandelion.
Green tea is an herb popularly used in making diet pills. Green tea is derived from the plant Carmellia sinensis, the same plant made in concocting black and oolong tea. The process of making green tea makes it different from the other Carmellia sinensis teas. Because green tea is only mildly steamed and then dried, a majority of the beneficial antioxidants present in green tea remain intact.
Green tea has been known to have several health benefits. Certain substances in green tea can effectively stop cancer cells from going. Green tea’s catechin polyphenols also acts as effective antioxidants that can kill harmful free radicals that cause aging. Green tea has also been known to boost the immune system.
At the University of Geneva, American and Swiss scientists were able to find that green tea has several weight loss benefits like increasing metabolism, thermogenesis, and suppressing fat intake. The results of their study became the basis for using green tea as a diet pill ingredient.
Diet Pills from Green Tea
Dieticians say that weight loss is achieved in two ways: reduce the intake of calories and increase energy expenditure. Green tea can perform both these functions quite well.
Green tea diet pills contain a small amount of caffeine in them. This makes green tea diet pills the perfect candidate for an appetite-suppressant. Aside from suppressing the appetite, green tea diet pills also have diuretic properties that help reduce excess water in the body. Extra water contributes to extra weight and by ridding the body of these, green tea diet pills contributes much to weight loss.
Green tea diet pills contain a high amount of antioxidants that helps burn fat faster. This claim of green tea diet pills is back by several scientific studies, including the one conducted in Geneva, Switzerland. Green tea diet pills can effectively increase metabolic rate and energy expenditure, helping the body purge out any excess calories.
The herb green tea is also compatible with other herb extracts. In fact, it is said that the weight loss benefits of green tea are enhanced when used in combination with other herbal remedies. This is what makes green tea an ideal component of diet pills.
Posted by health benefit at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Green Tea, Weight Loss
Green Tea Diet Patch
Easy to apply and with no harmful side-effects, green tea diet patches have quite become latest fad in nutritional supplements.
Green tea diet patches contain a high amount of green tea extract, a beverage made from the steaming the leaves of the plant called Carmellia sinensis. Green tea diet patches are said to have several health benefits. Recent studies on green tea diet patches revealed that aside from promoting weight loss, green tea diet patches can also be an effective cure for cancer and other diseases.
Clinical Studies on Green Tea Diet Patches
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed the weight loss benefits of green tea diet patches. Polyphenols are substances present in green tea diet patches that can augment metabolism. The study showed that green tea diet patches can actually increase the total energy expenditure of the body in twenty-four hours by four percent.
In addition to that, green tea diet patches seems to accelerate metabolic rates without increasing blood pressure or heart rate. Green tea diet patches promote the process of thermogenesis, a process by which the body releases heat by burning fats. This makes green tea diet patches excellent fat-burners without proving dangerous. Unlike other diet supplements, green tea diet patches do not cause heart palpitations, hypertension, or cardiovascular complications.
Green Tea Diet Patches vs. Green Tea Diet Pills
Green tea diet patches use transdermal method of delivery. This means that green tea diet patches allows the skin to directly absorb the beneficial substances, thereby, eliminating or diminishing several setbacks commonly experienced by pill users.
The transdermal property of green tea diet patches delivers consistent and even levels of substances over a period of several hours. Unlike pills which requires several applications in a day, green tea diet patches is only applied once in one day.
Ingredients of Green Tea Diet Patches
Aside from green tea extract, green tea diet patches also contain other helpful substances. Fucus vesiculosus in green tea diet patches has been used to aid in weight loss as early as the 17th Century. According to a recent research by Dr. Marvin Koplick of the U.S., the Fucus substance in green tea diet patches can help the body shed extra weight up to twenty pounds in two months. Fucus vesiculoscus in green tea diet patches burns fat in the safest, most effective way possible since it exhibits no side-effects.
Other ingredients found in green tea diet patches are Garcinia cambogia, an exotic fruit grown in South India. Garcinia cambogia in green tea diet patches has an active ingredient called hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which is an antioxidant much like Vitamin C.
Guarana in green tea diet patches act as a natural appetite-suppressant. Guarana in green tea diet patches stimulates metabolism while at the same time, suppresses your appetite for a balanced weight loss.
Green tea diet patches also contain Chromium picolinate. This compound in green tea diet patches is essential in maintaining insulin levels in the body. With Chromium picolinate in green tea diet patches, maximum energy production, fat burning, and lean muscle maintenance is ensured.
How to apply Green Tea Diet Patches
Green tea diet patches are applied to clean, dry skin. The recommended parts to apply green tea diet patches are the shoulders, thigh, back, and belly portions of the body. Although some green tea diet patches reputedly contain green tea worth 48 hours, most green tea diet patches have a 24-hour limit.
Posted by health benefit at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Green Tea, Weight Loss
Green Tea Diet
A safer alternative for people wanting to lose weight are green tea diets. Obesity has become one of the major health issues in our society today. More than half of the American population is overweight or obese. As a result, diet and weight loss plans have become increasingly popular. But not all diet plans work. And not all of them are necessarily risk-free.
About Green Tea
For thousands of years, green tea diet has been highly valued by the Chinese as an herbal and medicinal drink. It was believed that green tea diet was first discovered by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung who was boiling water when the leaves of a nearby tree fell into his pot. The result was the first ever pot of green tea.
Like all three of the major Asian teas in the market, green tea comes from the plant called Carmellia sinensis. Much of the health benefits of green tea diets owe to the steaming method of making it. As opposed to black and oolong tea which undergoes full oxidization, green tea diet is only gently steamed, preserving the natural antioxidants in its original form.
The Health Benefits of Green Tea Diet
There are many health benefits associated with having a green tea diet. One of these green tea diet benefits is preventing cancer. Certain substances present in green tea diets are said to help in destroying cancer cells without harming any neighboring tissues. This substance in green tea diets is called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG.
EGCG in green tea diets is also helpful in increasing the 24-hour energy expenditure of the body. A study on green tea diets conducted by American and Swiss scientists in the University of Geneva showed an additional increase of four percent in the body’s natural energy expenditure. People who were on a green tea diet were more likely to use up more fats than those not on a green tea diet.
Also, green tea diets are said to greatly help in lowering down cholesterol levels in humans. The study on green tea diets was conducted in China using 240 people with high cholesterol levels as subjects. These people were placed on a green tea diet of one capsule (equivalent to seven cups of green tea) or were given one placebo every day. After twelve weeks, those who were on a green tea diet dropped sixteen percent in their cholesterol levels.
Green tea diets can also be a potential cure to obesity. The catechin polyphenols present in green tea diets can delay the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases in the body. These enzymes are responsible for converting calories in the body into fats. By delaying these enzymes, green tea diets can therefore stop fat from being stored and prevent obesity in people.
Green tea diets contain substantial amount of caffeine that make it a mild appetite-suppressant. However, caffeine content in green tea diets is not as high as those found in other caffeine-based beverages, like coffee. Caffeine may be harmful for the body since an excess of it can cause heart palpitations, hypertension, and insomnia. Because green tea diets contain only very low levels of caffeine, there is no danger of experiencing these side-effects.
Posted by health benefit at 8:02 PM 1 comments
Labels: Green Tea, Weight Loss
Aug 10, 2007
Disability Insurance
Disability insurance is very important for many people and even for the people who don’t need it. One never knows what can happen, so to have this available is extremely important. A non-cancelable disability contract guarantees that your policy cannot be canceled or have the rates change as long as you continue to pay on time. Another type, a guaranteed renewable contract, ensures that the terms of your policy stay the same, but the cost can change over time. The last kind of disability contract is an optionally renewable policy. This policy can be canceled by the company at renewal time and require exams. These types of policies help those with disabilities obtain and keep medical coverage. There can be a grace or waiting period but usually you will be reimbursed for anything accrued at that time.
The waiting period is the time from your first claim to the day you get your first disability check. Your insurance premium will be based on your benefit amount, the more you get each month the higher your premium will be. The longer you collect disability the higher your premium will be as time goes on. A doctor to determine eligibility will obtain your current health status and medical history. If you have any pre-existing conditions or injuries, it doesn’t mean you are not going to get it. You need for it now relies on what happened to make you disabled.
You are defined as disabled when the condition that is keeping you from being able to work is defined and in your employee manual. This definition will also tell you what you qualify for and how to obtain it. It will also inform you of whether or not you are entitled to a new job till you are better or have to be out of work completely. Some companies offer easier jobs that pay the same instead of losing an employee and having to pay. Everyone should have some disability coverage. If you get hurt on the job and can’t continue your current position you need to have protection that will keep you from not being able to live. You want to make sure you know what your business’s policy is in case you need it at some point. Many companies have group policies that cover all employees that are working there. One would need to find out if the policy covers injury and illness or just injury. Also what the time frame is and will you possibly require more. Most of these will only cover you if you are injured at work and for a minimal time period. Some companies don’t even have this type of insurance and you would be out of luck if injured. While others have several types of disability, including long and short term.
If you do get injured on the job the first step is to be seen by your employer’s doctor. This is whom you will be seeing for as long as you are disabled and collecting disability. You will be examined and told what is wrong as will your employer. A determination will be made as to what needs to happen and who is responsible. If you are declared injured and cannot return to your normal job, another position must be found for you or you will be paid while on leave, if this is in the company’s guidelines. Not all employers will pay so make sure you are working for a company that has extensive disability insurance that covers both short and long-term issues. Also see if they cover illness and injury that is not work related. Many people lose their jobs because they cannot go back to work for a long time after an injury and the injury didn’t happen at work.
Your coverage will begin after you have been examined and given a diagnosis. Once all the necessary documents have been filed and what you are required to do has been set, a new position or payment will be assigned at that time. You must make sure that if you are going to be out of work for a long term disability you must pay the agreed premium to keep the benefits coming and make all appointments and requirements set by your employer. To breech any of this could terminate your claim. Make sure you know what is in store at your job in case of illness and injury you may need it someday.
Posted by health benefit at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health Insurance
Discount Plans vs. Health Insurance
A woman thought she was buying health insurance. It looked and sounded like health insurance. The woman is not 65 yet, which means she can't get Medicare. So, she went online looking for health insurance. She ended up finding something called Healthcare Advantage, and signed up after paying $100. Come to find out, this was not medical insurance at all and the sales representative never told this poor lady. She found that out when her cards arrived in the mail. In tiny writing at the bottom, it read, “not an HMO, PPO insurance or managed care company”. This was a discount plan. These plans do not have the same coverage as a full medical health insurance policy. Make sure you know what you are getting and if it fits your needs.
So what is a discount plan? The plans claims to save people money by offering discounts on physician visits, prescription drugs, dental work, eye care and other treatments for a monthly fee. Unlike normal health insurance, which is very costly and very selective about who it covers, a discount health plan accepts everyone, no matter what health conditions they may have. You will use a list of doctors that are willing to charge discounted rates to the subscriber. Discount is not the same as coverage, and so you will pay more for visits and other services that you wouldn’t with a regular medical plan. The average savings is only 25% that could be very expensive if you have to see a specialist or require surgery. These networks claim to have as many as 400,000 doctors and 50,000 hospitals available to choose from, but what if none of them are near you? You can get a savings of up to 30% on both generic and brand name drugs, which can also be costly if you have multiple prescriptions or they are costly ones. So if you have a health plan already but have a high deductible, this extra plan may help save you some money. But to use as a complete health plan, it really isn’t designed for that and will cost you more than a great HMO.
HMOs and other medical plans can offer full medical coverage at great rates. Managed care plans are the way to go for those who are limited on funds. They offer the best policies for the least amount of money. Most of these plans are available to anyone and can save you a ton of cash. You can make the plan even more affordable by asking for a deductible, which will lower your monthly expense. Most HMO’s do not have one at all but, you can request one, and most basic PPOs and POS only have a small one, usually $200 to $500 per year, which you can also asked to raised. The co-pays are also very reasonable with these types of plans. If you choose to purchase an HMO, expect to pay about $5-$10 per office visit and per prescription. With PPOs and POSs you will have a 20% co-pay with both visits and medications. The differences are how strict they are and you pay more of a co-pay to have extra flexibility. Usually a PPO or POS plan is less expensive and you have more freedom to see whom you want so the insurer makes you more responsible for payment. HMOs tend to be the least expensive and best policies for people with fixed incomes.
Make sure you know what your needs are and double-check what you are getting. If you need full medical coverage with low co-pay then a discount plan will not work for you. If you are already covered by a medical group but have a large deductible then you might benefit from the extra savings a discount plan can offer. Also, ask whether the plan is insurance that covers your treatment, or is a discount plan that still requires you to pay all medical bills yourself. Beware of slippery sales pitches. Make sure you know what's being offered. Discount health plans may only sell you access to a large mailing list of medical providers that it purchased commercially. Don't assume you're getting access to a large provider network just because your discount card displays the network's name and logo. If you plan to use a specific listed doctor, hospital, pharmacy or other provider, ask a few questions before you sign up.
Posted by health benefit at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health Insurance
State's Health Insurance Pool
State health insurance is a branch of health insurance that is for high-risk individuals with chronic and/or pre-existing conditions. Most common diseases to see on this type of insurance are HIV, AIDS, kidney disease, obesity, and diabetes. This high-risk pool is designed to act as a safety net to offer some form of insurance to these people but for a hefty premium. This program has fewer participants due to the cost. This plan is not low-income friendly. Rates can be as much as double what the normal market value for health insurance is. The pool does tend to offer better benefits but is definitely geared to those people that truly afford insurance. So, most people who fall under this category and require this type of plan are likely to be uninsured due to not being able to afford a plan. This plan is last resort for persons with such illnesses that land them for emergency or hospital care frequently, and it that case pays for itself quickly. Some of the few persons who cannot afford this are lucky enough to have a spouse in the work place that is able to add them to their policy from their employer, these plans cannot discriminate due to chronic or long-term illnesses. The State Health Insurance Pool knows its rates are high, and claims so are medical costs for the chronically ill. They have to charge more to be able to get ahead and stay afloat.
Most risk pools are nonprofit associations ran by the state. Usually they do not use taxes to operate their business. Most persons requiring this type of service usually are filling up the gap in cost of what their normal plan won’t cover or is a temporary pit stop till they can find a plan that accepts them at a lower cost. The people who qualify for this type of coverage must be a resident of the state they are applying in. Most states require you live there for at least six months and some up to one full year before reaching residency status. You also need one of several possible documents from other insurance companies. You will need proof of rejection from at least one company denying them benefits similar to the ones being asked for. You can use proof of insurance with a higher premium as well. You may also be eligible if you can show proof of insurance with a rider or rated policy. Any of the above mentioned could get you approved to apply for the risk pool in the state you reside in. A reciprocity agreement is when a person who is eligible for the plan and is currently on a similar plan, met the waiting period quota, and not used up the lifetime maximum benefits can still be eligible if they move to another state after they meet the residency requirement. Not all states, but most, have this agreement included into their plan.
There is a list of those who are not eligible in the high-risk pool besides non-residents. You are no longer eligible if you move to another state but if you have a reciprocity agreement, you can become eligible in the state you now reside after residency has been established. Most people who are eligible or receive Medicaid or Medicare are also not eligible. Many states do have a high-risk plan for Medicare eligible persons, but if you receive or could receive Medicaid than you don’t qualify. If a person has terminated their coverage in another plan and less than 132 months have passed they are not eligible for the pool till that time is up. Those who have used their maximum lifetime benefits for their plan are also not qualifying. Inmates of a public institution are also not eligible for the risk pool. Other specific exclusions can include state decided specific diseases or medical conditions that they just don’t want to cover. An enrollment cap may also be in affect so only a specific amount of persons may be actively enrolled at any given point of time. All other applicants who are eligible will be placed on a waiting list till there is an opening. There seem to be a higher list of those who don’t qualify then who do for this high-risk benefit that costs an arm and a leg anyway.
Posted by health benefit at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health Insurance
Aug 5, 2007
Chinese Green Tea for Weight Loss
Chinese green tea has been known to be very beneficial to human health. For thousands of years, Chinese green tea has been talked about and written about because of its countless positive effects.
According to legend, the first person to ever taste Chinese green tea was the Emperor Shen Nung in 2737 B.C. It was said that while boiling some water for drinking, some leaves fell into his pot from a tree nearby. Chinese green tea leaves when boiled smelled and tasted so wonderful that Shen Nung even urged his people to drink it. The fame of the Chinese green tea did not stay at one place for long. It is believed that in A.D. 800, Chinese green tea was brought to Japan by monks who studied Buddhism in China.
What makes Chinese green tea different from all other teas?
Chinese green tea is produced from Camellia sinensis, the same plant where the oolong and black tea are derived. Yet, even though they all come from the same herb, the Chinese green tea truly stands out as an exceptional health drink. So what makes Chinese green tea different?
The difference lies in the method by which Chinese green tea is produced. Oolong and black tea leaves are traditionally oxidized and then dried while the Chinese green tea leaves are steamed and then dried. This method of producing Chinese green tea actually preserves most of the beneficial antioxidants present in it.
Chinese Green Tea for Health
While it is already common knowledge that Chinese green tea has several health benefits, modern scientists were able to provide several concrete proofs of the positive effects of Chinese green tea. Chinese green tea antioxidants are said to be the ones responsible for making the Chinese green tea very beneficial.
Recent findings show that the antioxidants in Chinese green tea can reduce cholesterol levels in a person; can improve how blood vessels function; and can reduce blood lipids. It was also discovered that Chinese green tea can have an anti-inflammatory effects and may provide protection against cardiovascular diseases.
Chinese Green Tea for Weight Loss
Significant findings were made that pointed to the benefits of Chinese green tea in weight loss. According to the researchers of the University of Geneva, Chinese green tea has thermogenic properties which aid much in weight loss. In their study, they investigated the weight loss benefits of Chinese green tea by observing the interaction between the caffeine in Chinese green tea and a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). When these two substances in Chinese green tea react, thermogenesis of the body increases by four percent. The tendency of Chinese green tea to enhance metabolic rates has given people reason to believe that Chinese green tea has weight loss benefits as well.
Another study concerning the weight loss benefits of Chinese green tea was also conducted. The results of the research showed that Chinese green tea drinkers have a better propensity for weight loss. Drinking Chinese green tea allows the body to burn an additional 70 calories a day, a feat that weight loss enthusiasts would relish.
Posted by health benefit at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Green Tea, Weight Loss
Using Green Tea in Weight Loss Programs
There are countless health benefits associated with drinking green tea. For centuries, the Chinese people have been drinking and using green tea as cure for several ailments. Today, cancer prevention, weight loss, antioxidant applications, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties are only a few of the proven benefits contained within a single cup of green tea or a capsule of green tea extract.
Green Tea: An Introduction
Green tea comes from the plant native to Asia called Camellia sinensis. This plant is rich in the green tea substance called epigallochatechin gallate or EGCG. Green tea’s EGCG is the substance responsible for destroying free radicals in the body which are the number one causes of aging and diseases. The antioxidant EGCG in green tea also helps in lowering down cholesterol levels.
Green Tea for Weight Loss Programs
A university study conducted by American and Swiss scientists show that green tea can be used in weight loss programs. Using ten healthy young men as subjects for their weight loss program, the scientists compared the difference in energy expenditures of green tea and that of caffeine or standalone placebo. The results show that green tea boosts energy expenditure by a significant four percent increase. This led many people to believe that green tea can have a significant impact on increasing the efficacy of weight loss programs.
Green tea is a great alternative for people who are on weight loss programs because it can help them lead a healthier lifestyle. For instance, instead of drinking coffee and cream which area high in calories, green tea weight loss programs can not only save you from taking in too much calories but also let you take in several healthful substances like polyphenols and flavonoids. Green tea also contains a small amount of caffeine, a key substance used in most weight loss programs because of its appetite-suppressant properties.
Other studies show that green tea in weight loss programs can help reduce fat by inhibiting the effects of insulin. Insulin is responsible for converting glucose into energy for the body to be stored into fat. By delaying insulin, green tea weight loss programs enable sugar to be sent directly to the muscles for instant use, thus preventing fats from forming.
Green tea in weight loss programs can also promote thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns fat and releases calories. This process is brought on by the interaction of the caffeine content and catechin polyphenols present in green tea. This is why weight loss programs based on green tea is an effective way to stimulate metabolic rates.
No supplement or weight loss program is known to work miracles. However, studies do indicate that green tea have many benefits in store for those enrolled in weight loss programs.
Posted by health benefit at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Green Tea, Weight Loss
Point of Service (POS) Health Insurance
A POS or Point of Service plan is kind of like an HMO and PPO combined type health care plan. You have more flexibility than a regular HMO, but pay a smaller fee and deducible than a PPO. It is perfect for those people who need more flexibility but want to pay less. You will be asked to select a general provider that is off the list of acceptable doctors. This will be your primary care physician and he or she will be the one to manage what care you receive. He or she will direct you to specialist and hospitals as needed that are also participants in the plan. Usually there are many providers from each specialization to choose from and typically covers a wide geographic area. With this type of policy, you will not have a large deducible if any, and still have a minimal co-pay on visits and prescriptions. Of course, this is if you stick with the preferred providers list. You also may want to make sure what drugs are covered under this plan and if you have to pay more for newer on not generic medications. Some doctors don’t think about what kind of insurance you have when writing out the prescription and you need to remind him or her if you are only allowed to buy generic to be covered.
You will also have a choice to see out-of-network providers when you need a specialist and they are not on the list. Most POS plans require you get a doctor’s referral prior to seeing another doctor or specialist. Once referred to a specialist within the network, you will have to be prepared to pay more. If you choose to do this, you will be billed directly and must submit the claim to the insurance company your self. Your insurance company will pay their flat rate for whatever you had done and you will be responsible for the rest. You may also be responsible at the time of service to pay the entire amount and wait to be reimbursed your self from your insurance. If you chose to see a specialist on you own, the cost will be higher and around 50% if you were not referred. You will be required to pay a higher amount if you go out-of-network. So in essence, you have the right to see whom you chose, but at your own expense. The POS plan will only pay their flat rate for specific medical issues and not above it, unless it is an emergency situation. Many people like the idea of having more say in their health care choices, while others care more about saving money and don’t care who they go to. What you chose will depend on what you personally want and what is more important.
The emphasis on this plan is prevention of illness or disease to cut the cost to both the individual and the insurer. Most other plans such as HMOs and PPOs have the same basic emphasis. You are encouraged to take an active roll in your health and do what it takes to remain not sick and disease free for as long as possible. The idea is to see the doctor less so both you and your carrier together spends less money. The idea with this plan is that if you have to put more money into your health care you will think twice at whether or not you really need to go. If you want to waist the insurance companies money you have to waist your own too to do it. Medical insurance companies are in business to make money, they want you to stay healthy so they can collect your premium and not have to pay it out to the health care provider. So, for those people who do not want to pay as high as a monthly premium tends to opt for this type of health insurance plan. This one will ensure a low rate with out having to worry about huge deductibles or co-pays if used more like an HMO. So, if you think that this sound like something you are interested in, talk to several different companies and get some policies to look at. Make sure to look at what is covered as well as the price. Do a little research in the various insurance policies that are available. The one that you need to pick will depend on your priorities.
Posted by health benefit at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health Insurance
Six Top Things to Look for in a Health Insurance Plan
When deciding on health insurance, one needs to be aware of his or her needs first and foremost. Many plans are similar but slight variations in coverage and expense. Most insurance companies offer similar deductibles and cover all the standard routine issues that arise in health. Some plans are more expensive and make the insured responsible for more expense but offer a wider range of control. Some plans are designed for the budget consciences individual and has more restrictions but costs less. So look at what type of health needs you have and think about how often you need to visit a doctor. Make sure your doctor is cooperative in giving referrals when needed as well. Here are some things to think about when deciding what plan is best for you.
1) What plan benefits are offered to the insured? Most plans provide normal medical coverage. But see what other services you may need and if they are available easily or at all. Make sure that you are aware of any additional fees that might be placed on you if you see certain types of doctors or other medical professionals. Does this plan have restrictions on pre-existing conditions or chronic illnesses that can cause a premium increase or higher co-pay in the future. Know what you are getting and make sure that it works for you. If you aren’t sure call the company directly and speak to someone who can answer all your questions.
2) Physical exams and health screenings as a form of entry into a plan. Does this work for you or not, and do you not want to disclose your medical issues prior to getting a quote. Many insurance companies want to have you seen by one of their physicians to make sure you won’t cost them money by having any chronic illnesses. If you have some medical conditions that require frequent visits and treatments you may not want to look at these providers for help with coverage.
3) Care by specialists. If you require the care of specialists, such as a cardiologist, nutritionist for diabetes or obesity, or any other type, you want to make sure this is fully covered on your chosen plan. You don’t want to just sign up for a plan that is in your price range and then find out you can’t see the doctors you need to. Be sure to see all the information on added coverage above and beyond just basic needs.
4) Hospitalization and emergency care. Most HMOs require a referral from your primary care doctor before you may go to the hospital. Some insurance companies will not pay for hospital visits on the weekends unless the doctor was called and gave the referral prior to you going. Some will even require that you wait till the next available business day to see your doctor first if it isn’t a life or death emergency. If you have conditions that might require a trip to the hospital, be sure that your policy works for you. In the middle of a panic attack is not a good time to wait for the “on-call” to call you back, give permission, and call the hospital for you. You need to know that are safe to call and get emergency care and get the referral the next business day.
5) Prescription drugs and what will the company pay for? You might want to take into account how many prescriptions you need and what the cost of each one is. If you are used to small co-pay, it can be a slap in the face to find out you have to pay 20% of a $150 prescription. Many people who require some or lots of daily medications will benefit more from a HMO that has a small fee like $5 or $10 per prescription and/or a small deductible.
6) Vision care and dental services. Find out if these are included in your plan or whether you need to purchase one or both separately. Many plans will include yearly and emergency eye exams and visits. Also many offer some coverage on eyewear to some extent. Most dental plans are separate and require a separate insurance or slightly higher monthly fee to be added.
Posted by health benefit at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health Insurance
B12 Vitamin Basics
The b12 vitamin is just one of the essential b vitamins that are needed to maintain a healthy body and mind. Cobalamin is the alternative name for the 12b vitamin. The body needs the b12 vitamin for a number of different processes including converting the fats, carbohydrates and proteins from all food that is consumed into energy. One of the most important processes that the b12 is essential for is to create healthy red blood cells. The prevention of heart disease relies on the production of healthy blood cells and therefore the b12 vitamin is vital. The b12 vitamin is also vital for keeping the immune system functioning at its maximum efficiency. Not only this, but the b12 vitamin also works to form the protective covering of all the nerve cells in the body.
The production of red blood cells is not the only type of cells that the b12 vitamin is essential for. In fact, all of the cells in the body require the b12 vitamin, including white blood cells and nerve cells. The white blood cells are an important part of the immune system and without the b2 vitamin the effectiveness of the immunity of the body to germs and viruses is heavily reduced. The nerve cells need the b12 vitamin to create the fatty layer that will protect them from damage. The brain cells are particularly open to disease and damage if there is not enough b12 vitamin present to form this protective layer.
Even though the b12 vitamin is involved in so many essential processes the actual recommended daily amount that a body needs is quite small. The fact is that the majority of people consume much more of the b12 vitamin than their body actually requires. The only issue is that the body cannot absorb the b12 vitamin very easily and has to create its own aid to the process. The intrinsic factor that the body produces helps the body to absorb the b12 vitamin that it needs from food but this still amounts to only half of the total b12 vitamin available. A deficiency in the b12 is extremely rare in most people and is made even less likely because the body can recycle the b12 vitamin that it already has absorbed.
A few groups of people may develop anaemia due to a lack of b12 vitamin in their diet. Young children often have a problem getting enough of the b12 vitamin because they may be extremely fussy eaters and it is important to encourage them to eat as wide a variety of foods as possible. This is not only the case with the b12 vitamin but is true for all essential vitamins and minerals.
Posted by health benefit at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Vitamin
Guide to the B6 Vitamin
The B6 vitamin, also known as pyridoxine, is one of the most versatile of the B vitamins and yet the body only requires a relatively small amount. The B6 vitamin works closely with all the other B vitamins, especially niacin, folic acid, and Cobalamin and contributes to numerous functions in the body. Amino acids are converted by the B6 vitamin into proteins and it is also required for transforming stored sugar within the body into essential energy. Basically, the B6 vitamin is essential for converting the proteins that are consumed into proteins that the body needs and also for converting the carbohydrates from the form that they are stored in the body to a form that can be used for extra energy.
The body requires a number of different proteins and it is the B6 vitamin that ensures that the correct forms are available. For example, the B6 vitamin will create haemoglobin for carrying oxygen in the blood cells, hormones for regulating blood pressure, neurotransmitters and various enzymes.
The recommended daily allowance for the B6 vitamin is only around 2.0mg but this seemingly insignificant amount is used extremely efficiently within the body to produce over sixty different enzymes. The best sources of the B6 vitamin are high-protein foods such as eggs, fish, poultry, and meat and it is also added to breakfast cereals and bread to ensure that everyone is able to consume their recommended daily allowance, even if they do not eat meat products. An additional amount of the b6 vitamin may be beneficial for the heart and immune system. B6 vitamin supplements are sometimes required by asthmatics and diabetics. However, it is important to be aware that large doses of the B6 vitamin can be toxic.
As the B6 vitamin is found in many common foods the majority of people receive sufficient amounts of the vitamin from their normal diet. There are some groups that may need to take a B6 vitamin supplement to ensure that they obtain the recommended daily allowance. For example, pregnant or breastfeeding women will need a slightly higher amount of the B6 vitamin to allow for the amount of the vitamin that is being absorbed by the baby although it is possible to obtain the extra B6 vitamin from an increased consumption of high-protein foods. Strict vegetarians or vegans, however, and children who do not eat animal products may need a B6 vitamin supplement as vegetables and fruits are poor sources of the B6 vitamin.
Posted by health benefit at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Vitamin
Aug 4, 2007
Aromatherapy Helps Boost your Immune System
Aromatherapy is a safe, natural, proven way in which to boost your immune system. For thousands of years people have been using essential oils for exactly that. There are many essential oils for you to choose from which will help protect your immune system.
This article will talk about stress and the immune system. Stress is a major culprit in the breakdown of the immune system. Today who doesn’t have stress in their lives? A little stress can be good but when it gets to be too much your body will tell you. If you pay attention, you can tell when you’re going too many directions at one time.
How does stress break down your immune system? When you experience something stressful your body secretes a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is helpful in small doses because it helps you to react in dangerous situations. But the system is set up so that once the danger is gone, that same hormone can help your body restore homeostasis. If there is prolonged stress, the cortisol level doesn’t have a chance to return to a lesser amount.
Too much cortisol in your blood for an extensive period of time will lower the immunity responses in your body. The first step in using aromatherapy to boost your immune system is to help yourself relax. Essential oils that are known for their ability to decrease stress and promote relaxation are: tea tree oil, chamomile, and lavender. You can heat the oils to fill the room with the vapors, put them into the bath and soak, or you can use the oil for massage.
Using essential oils for massage will benefit you three different ways. Massage is good for circulation and to help relax you, as you inhale the vapors of the essential oils you will feel your anxiety lifted away, and your skin will get nourished as well.
Skin is the first and most important barrier that keeps infection out of the bloodstream. Take care of it because it you don’t you may have a break down of your body’s first line of defense. Tea tree oil is a common essential oil used for skin care. But there are so many out there to choose from that you should find which one would work best for your skin type. Use the oil to steam, massage, or wash your face; soak in a bath; or use as a spritzer and it will help strengthen your skin’s defense.
Popular for its reputation as being the most powerful natural antiseptic, is tea tree oil. It can be used to treat acne, warts, boils, burns, athlete’s foot and vaginal infections. Because of weakening of the immune system, many people that are positive for HIV develop thrush (a yeast infection in the mouth and throat). A lot of times the thrush is resistant to the antibiotics. But because tea tree oil is often able to kill these resistant fungi and bacteria many patience have been able to use it as an alternative medication.
Frankincense is another essential oil that is known for the ability to protect against bacteria. Back in ancient cultures frankincense was often burning in temples or churches. With so many people so close to one another infections and viruses can spread quickly. One reason that frankincense was used was because of its ability to fight against viruses and bacteria and support the people’s immune systems.
When your immune system has taken a crash and you’ve gotten a cold, cough, sore throat, upset stomach, laryngitis or flu there are essential oils that can help you get rid of the ailment. Tea tree oil is proven to work for each of these ailments. Peppermint essential oil will help you get rid of your upset stomach.
Aromatherapy can help boost your immune system in more than one way. You can use is as preventative medicine all the time or when you get sick or feel like you’re getting sick, get out the essential oils. Any way that you choose to practice aromatherapy be safe and remember what role stress plays in the weakening of your immune system.
Posted by health benefit at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Aromatherapy
Aug 2, 2007
Best Classes for Weight Loss
So many commercials and advertisements scream “Lose weight now!” but how many of them are actually legitimate? Just to be clear, taking pills and supplements are not going to get rid of excess weight – the only way to do that is through good old-fashioned cardiovascular exercise coupled with a healthy diet. Thanks to modern innovations and ideas, though, you can work out and burn more fat than ever while you have fun at the same time! Gyms and fitness studios across the country are focusing on creating cardiovascular fitness classes that keep participants engaged and encouraged, and this is a boon for folks who are traditionally turned off by the thought of exercise. Losing weight has never been so fun and fast!
The workout of the stars, spinning is an exercise similar to biking except that, well, you don’t go anywhere. When you spin, you are using a machine similar to a bike but with only one wheel and with adjustable resistance so that you can control the level of exertion. Beginners start with the handle in a traditional biking position but as you proceed through levels and become more fit, eventually the handles will be almost level with the bike saddle. Spinning mimics mountain biking by changing resistance at different points throughout the workout, imitating hills and rises. The calorie burn can be impressive but be prepared for a sweaty workout. Your leg muscles will be called upon in ways they never have before and the first few classes will probably leave you with some muscle soreness and stiffness that should disappear within a few days. Spinning instructors recommend that participants wear heart monitors to track heart rate and move into the ideal range for maximum fat burning. You can find Spinning classes at gyms nationwide.
Belly Dancing
If you’ve ever watched belly dancers and admired the lithe, seductive movements, here’s your chance to learn their secrets and burn calories at the same time. Belly dancing classes have exploded in popularity in the past few years and can be found in most major cities and metropolitan areas. You won’t need any special workout gear, just show up in your t-shirt and shorts. You’ll start learning the basics of moving your hips and waist, and go from there to the more complicated twists that make belly dancing so unique and seductive. The calorie burn is average but couple the class with a healthy diet and brisk walking several times per week and you’ll see the fat begin to melt away. The bonus of belly dancing is that as you’re burning calories you are also toning and firming the abdominal muscles, so when the fat is gone you’ll be able to see beautifully defined abdominals. In addition to that, you will have learned a unique skill that you can use as a workout any time you like!
Step Aerobics
Step aerobics can burn serious calories thanks to the work it requires from muscles. The concept of step aerobics has been around for decades and it became popular in the eighties along with Jane Fonda. It remained a regular offering at fitness studios but recently has enjoyed a renewed burst of popularity. In a step aerobics class, there will be an instructor leading the class from the front. You will need an exercise step that can be raised or lowered depending on your fitness ability. After a brief warm-up, the instructor will lead the class in aerobic exercise utilizing the step to increase calorie burn. The pace can get intense and that equals a higher fat burn for you! Arms will frequently be included as part of the workout but only to increase the heart rate, so don’t forget to include regular strength training as part of your fitness program.
Posted by health benefit at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Exercise, Weight Loss
10-Minute Exercises with Big Results
Many busy professionals feel that working out isn’t worth the time unless they can exercise for forty minutes or longer and it’s true that many healthcare workers and government agencies used to recommend that all adults get thirty consecutive minutes of aerobic exercise per day. But this is the twenty-first century and the fact of the matter is that you don’t have to do all your exercise at once to reap the health benefits. Research has shown that short, intense exercise segments throughout the day are just as effective as longer workouts at burning calories, increasing cardio endurance and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Even as little as five minutes can go a long way towards balancing hormones in the body and making you a happier person – is that great or what? You no longer have to worry about finding a large block of free time to work out; just take a coffee break and in five minutes you can feel totally rejuvenated.
One of the greatest things about shorter workouts is that they have tremendous potential to reshape your body with a minimum time commitment. Incorporating strength training exercises into your daily schedule is a powerful tool for both heart health and muscle strength. Spend five minutes doing lower body exercises and after several weeks you can tell a difference. Spend ten minutes on a power workout and results will show up in three weeks or less. Use the following ten-minute express workouts on a regular basis for a month and you will see remarkable changes in your body’s strength. You can do these workouts in your office with the door closed or, if your office is a cubicle, in the restroom or some other private area. Do whatever is necessary for you to fit in your exercise time at work.
Express Workout 1: Hips and Thighs
Hips and thighs can be a frustrating area to shape up especially for women. Thanks to the physiological design of female bodies, fat tends to be stored in the thighs and hips and can be very resistant to toning efforts. Perform this routine three to four times weekly in conjunction with aerobic exercise and your body will begin to reshape in six to ten weeks.
Squats: Squats are performed by standing with feet about shoulder-width apart and arms by sides. Keep strong posture and slowly lower buttocks as though about to sit down in a chair. Lower several inches and then slowly raise.
Pliès: Adopted from ballet, pliès are performed by standing with feet just wider than shoulder-width and toes pointed outward. With a hand on a chair or wall for balance, slowly drop body straight down for several inches and then come back up. To increase intensity, on the final pliè, stay in a lowered position and slowly pulse your body up and down about an inch. This fatigues the muscle faster.
Lunges: Lunges are performed by standing with feet about shoulder-width apart and hands on hips. Stand tall and take a large step forward with one foot, and remain in that position. Turn your back foot up until balanced on the toes and then slowly lower your body until your front knee forms a right angle. Slowly raise your body back up. Repeat on each side.
Leg Stretches: Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart and one hand holding a chair or wall for balance. Raise one foot behind you and reach back with your hand, grab the foot and gently pull it towards your buttocks. This stretches the quadriceps muscle on the front of the leg. Repeat with each leg.
For stretching the calf muscle, place one foot slightly in front of you and point your toes up, balancing on the heel. Keep your weight on the foot that is not being stretched. Repeat on both sides.
All times are approximate.
0:01 – 1:00 – Begin by walking briskly in place to warm up the muscles. Warming the muscles makes them pliable and will allow you to work longer.
1:01 – 3:00 – Perform as many squats as possible in two minutes.
3:01 – 4:00 – Rest for one minute.
4:01 – 6:00 – Perform as many pliès as possible in two minutes.
6:01 – 7:00 – Rest for one minute.
7:01 – 9:00 – Perform as many lunges (both legs) as possible in two minutes.
9:01 – 10:00 – Recovery and stretching.
Express Workout 2 – Arms and Shoulders
Building strength in your upper body is a vital part of any workout plan and fortunately it can be a fairly easy area to strengthen. Powerful arms are important for both men and women to assist with everyday life – it’s surprising how many typical daily tasks require using the shoulders, back and arms. By building those muscles, you will take some of the daily stress of your body. This 10-minute express workout develops the biceps, triceps, upper back muscles and shoulders.
Bicep Curls: Curls are done by standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart and weights in both hands. Tuck your elbows firmly against your sides with palms facing forward. Slowly raise the weight almost to your shoulder for a count of 5 and then lower it, again for a count of 5.
Overhead Press: The overhead press is performed by standing with feet about shoulder-width apart and a straight back, holding a weight in each hand. Bring the hands up to the shoulders and then slowly lift up for a count of 5. Raise the weights until the arm is almost fully extended; then release and lower downward.
Triceps Raise: Stand tall with feet slightly more than shoulder-width. With weights in hands, lift straight overhead until almost fully extended. Turn palms inward to face each other. Slowly begin to lower the weight down toward your back until the elbow forms a right angle; then raise the weight.
Forward Press: Standing with feet a few inches past shoulder-width. With weights in hands, bring up to shoulders. Slowly press the weights forward; then pull back. Be sure to keep arms level with shoulders and move forward and back slowly.
Stretches: Stretch the arms by raising your arms overhead, dropping one hand behind your head and using the other hand to gently press the elbow back to stretch the triceps muscle. Repeat with the other arm. Next, raise both arms overhead, lace fingers together and press arms outward. Lastly, bring one arm across the front of your body and use the other hand to press the arm against the body to stretch the biceps muscle.
0:01 – 0:30 – Warm up
0:31 – 2:30 – Perform as many slow, quality biceps curls as possible within two minutes.
2:31 – 3:00 – Rest for thirty seconds.
3:01 – 5:00 – Begin overhead raises and complete as many quality raises as possible within two minutes.
5:01 – 5:30 – Rest for thirty seconds.
5:31 – 7:30 – Complete as many accurate triceps presses as possible within two minutes.
7:31 – 8:00 – Rest for thirty seconds.
8:01 – 10:00 – Complete as many properly done forward presses as possible within two minutes.
Extra time: Stretch if you have time available.
Express Workout 3 – Abdominal Muscles
Having strong core muscles is crucial to protecting the spine and maintaining good posture. When your body is supported by strong central muscles it’s easier to perform everyday tasks as well as exercise. Abdominal workouts won’t flatten the stomach – that requires aerobic exercise – but they will strengthen and tone the muscles.
Basic Curls: Perform the basic curl by lying on your back with knees bents. Place your fingertips at your ears and use your stomach muscles to pull yourself about five or six inches. Slowly lower back down. Avoid using momentum to perform the exercises.
Cross-Curls: Begin in basic curl position. Contract stomach muscles and lift to the right as you bring your right elbow to your left knee. Switch and bring left elbow to right knee.
Bicycle: Begin in basic curl position but prop your upper body up on your elbows. Straighten your legs and then raise both legs several inches off the floor. Pull your right leg in to your body; then extend it as you pull in your left leg. Continue doing so; thus “bicycling.”
Rope Climb: Begin in basic curl position. Raise your legs straight up into the air while keeping your upper body flat on the floor. Using your abdominals to lift your upper back off the floor, use your hands and arms to pretend you are climbing a rope. Grasp the “rope” with your right hand as you bring your right side off the floor; then switch and use your left hand.
Stretches: Lie on your stomach with hands at about shoulder-height. Slowly use your hands to lift your upper body off the floor and stretch your abdominals.
0:01 – 2:00 – Perform as many well-done basic curls as possible within two minutes.
2:01 – 2:30 – Rest for thirty seconds.
2:31 – 4:30 – Complete as many accurate cross-curls as possible within two minutes.
4:31 – 5:00 – Rest for thirty seconds.
5:01 – 7:00 – “Bicycle” for two minutes.
7:01 – 7:30 – Rest for thirty seconds.
7:31 – 9:30 – “Climb” the “rope” for two minutes.
9:31 – 10:00 – Stretch the abdominal muscles.
Posted by health benefit at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Exercise
Weight Loss Benefit of Green Tea
For 4,000 years, Asians have regarded green tea as something more than just a beverage. Green tea was used as herbal medicine and treatment for everything from headaches to depressions and even to weight loss.
Researches have been conducted over the last few years to identify what compound present in green tea makes it a potent health drink. The scientists have found that green tea contains several antioxidants which are responsible for many of green tea’s health benefits, including weight loss benefit.
A research study by American and Swiss scientists on the weight loss benefit of green tea was concluded and the results of which were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Urology. During the course of their study, they have found that green tea contains certain compounds that contribute to its weight loss benefit.
Lead researcher, D. Abdul Dulloo said in a press release that there are only two ways to achieve weight loss – either reduce energy intake or increase energy expenditure. Green tea, it seems, has compounds that can increase the body’s normal metabolism rate, thus giving it its weight loss benefit.
At the University of Geneva, where the study was conducted, Dr. Dulloo and his colleagues experimented on ten healthy young men. They theorized that the main contributor to green tea’s weight loss benefit is its caffeine content. To test this hypothesis on green tea’s weight loss benefit, they placed the study’s participants on a typical “Western” diet which is about forty percent fat, thirteen percent protein, and forty-seven percent carbohydrates.
Thrice everyday, the researchers measured their subjects’ energy expenditure (the measurement used in determining the number of calories burned in 24 hours) and monitored their respiration quotient to find out how well they utilized their carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
When they interpreted the data they collected, they found out that the men receiving regular dosages of green tea extract showed a significant increase in their 24-hour energy expenditure and a reduction in their respiration quotient (which means that more fat is burned, thereby achieving maximum weight loss). On the other hand, those men who were only given caffeine or placebo with every meal showed only minimal increases in their metabolism rates.
The scientists construed that the substance catechin polyphenol present in green tea adds to its weight loss benefit. These substances in green tea may alter how the body uses the hormone norepinephrine which is responsible for increasing the metabolism rate, thus leading to weight loss.
In their conclusion, the scientists inferred that green tea owes its weight loss benefit to the presence of antioxidants and the substance catechin polyphenol. These substances help increase fat and calorie burning and optimize weight loss.
Posted by health benefit at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Green Tea, Weight Loss
Green Tea: Weight Loss Supplement
Although weight loss supplements are not likely to work miracles, dieticians and weight-loss experts alike agree that most weight loss supplements greatly helps the dieter in his continuing battle for curves and muscles. Of the three commonly used weight loss supplements in the market today, green tea extract seems the most promising. (The other two weight loss supplements are protein and ephedra.)
Green tea is the common name for Camellia sinensis, a plant cultivated by the Ancient Chinese as a remedy for headaches, indigestion, and depression. In recent studies, it was found that green tea can be a potential cure for cancer and several other major diseases as well.
However, the merits of green tea is not only restricted to medicine. It has been found that certain properties found in green tea makes it an excellent organic alternative to weight loss supplements.
The use of green tea extract in weigh loss supplements was spurred by the recently concluded study by American and Swiss scientists at the University of Geneva. Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, their study showed that green tea has a lot of antioxidants that can cause an increase in energy expenditure of the body. This led them to surmise that green tea extract can become a potential weight loss supplement.
Green tea weight loss supplements contain both caffeine and the chemical epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). When these two substances in green tea react to each other, metabolism rates increase along with the body’s 24-hour energy expenditure. Green tea’s EGCG also triggers the release of the hormone noradrenaline, an appetite-suppressant.
Green tea weight loss supplements can boost the body’s metabolic rates, thereby increasing the rate by which fat and calories are burned. Green tea weight loss supplements can also stimulate the body into burning fats faster, leading to more fats being turned into energy. According to a recent study published in Phytomedicine, a journal on the health benefits of plants, people who take in green tea extract as weight loss supplement ideally lose about two-and-a-half pounds a month.
Green tea weight loss supplements come in standardized tablets or capsule forms. For best results, choose a green tea weight loss supplement that contains ninety milligrams of EGCG and fifty milligrams of caffeine. Green tea weight loss supplement is normally taken three times a day before meals. Even though green tea weight loss supplements have no adverse side-effects, it is still advisable to consult medical advice before taking them.
Posted by health benefit at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Green Tea, Weight Loss
Green Tea Weight Loss Pill
People have always been known to want to do and achieve things instantly. The same thing can be said in diets and weight loss. Impatience usually leads a dieter to resort to taking supplements or weight loss pills to try to get rid of those fats faster.
But recent controversies on the use of diet and weight loss pills have made several people hesitate at using them. Several weight loss pills are based on certain substances, like ephedra, that may be harmful for the body. This is why researchers are trying to come up with other potential resources to make weight loss pills that are safer to use.
A study conducted at the University of Geneva was recently published and it concerned itself with the weight loss benefits of green tea extract. It said that green tea has certain antioxidants in them like catechin polyphenols and flavonoids that help in increasing metabolic rates of the body. The publication of the study’s results prompted several pharmaceutical companies to incorporate green tea extract into their weight loss pills.
Green Tea, the Plant
Green tea is the common name for the herb Carmellia sinensis. The green tea plant came from China originally where it was cultivated specifically for its various health and medicinal benefits. Today, green tea is known to possess certain substances that can cure several diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and even ulcers. Because of its thermogenic properties, pharmaceutical companies are also using extracts of the green tea plant as one of the main ingredients in weight loss pills.
Green Tea, the Weight Loss Pill
The theory of weight loss pills is based on the fact that losing weight is done in two ways: retard fat intake or expedite its burning. Weight loss pills are known to do both these things.
Ingredients in weight loss pills such as Hoodia Gordonii can suppress hunger and stop food cravings. Another important ingredient in weight loss pills is glucosamine which can delay the effect of insulin, thus directly transforming sugar into energy instead of fat. Other components of a typical weight loss pill include cocoa extract (a diuretic), citrus fiber, vanadium, and glucomannan, all of which have anti-hunger properties.
The addition of green tea extract into weight loss pills has become common practice among pharmaceutical companies. Like cocoa extract, green tea is also an effective natural diuretic. Green tea can help rid the body of extra water that contributes to bloat and puffiness of the body.
But aside from being a diuretic, green tea is also a major contributor to fat-burning. The catechin polyphenols found in green tea effectively increases the metabolic rates of the body and also reduce food intake. Green tea also contains the substance flavanoid that fight free radicals that might be harmful for the body.
Because of these properties, green tea therefore makes for an excellent and healthy component of weight loss pills.
Posted by health benefit at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Green Tea, Weight Loss
Aug 1, 2007
Overview of the B5 Vitamin
The B5 vitamin is also known as Pantothenic Acid. The B5 vitamin is the most prolific of all the vitamins and is found in every type of food. In fact, it is impossible for a person to consume less B5 vitamin than they need. That means that there is no little possibility that a person can have a B5 vitamin deficiency. For this reason, there is actually no recommended daily amount that health professionals can state as everyone obtains more than enough from their normal food consumption. However, even though there is no need to calculate a recommended daily allowance it does not mean that the B5 vitamin is not vital for a healthy body and mind. In fact, the B5 vitamin is essential for turning food into energy amongst other functions. The B5 vitamin is responsible for taking the fats and carbohydrates into energy.
Some B5 vitamin can be found in almost every food whether it is animal or vegetable. Obviously there are some sources of the B5 vitamin that are better than others but a balanced diet will provide more than enough. The foods with the highest B5 vitamin content are organ meats, salmon, eggs, beans, milk, and whole grains. It is worth noting that the B5 vitamin is lost when grains are milled into flour and tends not to beaded back in. Therefore, processed grain foods such as bread, pasta, rice, breakfast cereal, and baked goods are not good sources of the B5 vitamin.
The B5 vitamin is the most effective when it is combined with other B vitamins especially thiamin or B1, riboflavin or B2, niacin or B3, pyridoxine or B6, and biotin. Along with these other B vitamins, the B5 vitamin is an integral part in a number of processes. The most important of these is the production of energy from food that is consumed and this is known as the Kreb’s cycle. The B5 vitamin is also required for releasing energy from fats.
Interestingly, the B5 vitamin is also considered to be helpful in reducing stress. This is chiefly due to the fact that during periods of stress, the body produces more of certain hormones such as adrenalin and these require the B5 vitamin. There are many theories as to the benefits of the B5 vitamin but there is no need for the majority of people to actively seek out foods that are high in B5 as they are likely to be consuming far more than is needed already. There are no adverse effects to consuming too much B5 vitamin.
Posted by health benefit at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Vitamin
Importance of the 12 B vitamin
The 12 b vitamin is one of the b vitamins that are essential to maintain a healthy body. Otherwise known as Cobalamin, the 12b vitamin is needed for the processes to convert the carbohydrates, fats and proteins from food into energy. 12 b also, more importantly, helps keep the red blood cells healthy and therefore prevent heart disease as well as keeping the immune system functioning at its maximum level. In addition, 12 b is used to create the protective covering of all nerve cells in the body.
The most important function of 12 b is to form healthy red blood cells. However, all cells need 12 b to keep them healthy. It is the white blood cells, amongst others, that need 12 b to help ensure that the immune system functioning properly. All of the nerve cells in the body also need 12 b to form their protective fatty layer. This is essential for all of the nerves but is especially so for those in the brain. If there is not sufficient 12 b to create this protective layer then the brain will not be functioning properly.
Interestingly, the amount of 12 b that the body needs is relatively small but is needed on a regular basis. However, 12 b on its own is not enough as the body cannot absorb it easily. To help the body absorb 12 b the stomach produces intrinsic factor which enables more of the 12 b to be absorbed. 12 b is only found in animal foods such as liver, eggs, fish and meat but most people consume far more than their recommended daily amount of 12 b. This is not a problem as the body can only absorb about half of the 12 b that is consumed. It is also worth noting that the body can recycle the 12 b which cuts down on the impact of a 12 b deficiency. However, strict vegetarians or vegans are likely to require 12 b supplements if they do not eat any animal products that contain 12 b.
If the body does not have enough 12 b then anaemia is the most obvious symptom. Obviously, this is due to the fact that there is not enough 12 b to make healthy red blood cells. Anaemia can also be caused by the body not creating enough intrinsic factor to help absorb the 12 b that is available in the food consumed. The body tends to makes less intrinsic factor once a person reaches 50 and this will lead to less 12 b being absorbed and supplements of 12 b may be required. Kids are also at risk from anaemia because they may not eat the food that contain 12 b. Pregnant women need more 12 b because the baby is absorbing 12 b during the pregnancy to grow properly.
Posted by health benefit at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Vitamin
Long Term Care Insurance
Long-Term Care Insurance is still fairly new on the market and a lot of people don’t know that it even exists or what it covers. Even those who have heard the term don’t know always when benefits are paid, how they are designed, and who qualifies or needs coverage. Many people don’t think about this type of coverage until it is too late to get a great rate and higher benefits. They wait till they are past retirement age and closer to needing to cash in the benefits instead of investing earlier and maximizing your options. It is becoming more of a common practice for people to start thinking about what will happen 30, 50, or more years ahead. Many people invest in 401Ks, IRAs, stocks and bond, and other types of investments to prepare for the future. Many people think this will pay for living expenses and leisure activities once retired. Things don’t always go according as planned.
What happens in the unfortunate incidence of an accident and you need help with your daily living activities? Or, you get to a point in your elder years that you require home care, as you grow older? You may decide you would rather live in you home for a long as possible and would need to have enough for personal home care. Some seniors enjoy assisting living facilities that provide 24 hour nursing care, but still let you be as independent as you can. There are also those unfortunate instances where nursing home facilities are need to tend to varying degrees of illness. Long-term care is designed to provide you help with these services due to a long-term illness or disability. The average cost of these types of care can cost around $40-$100 thousand per year and sometimes more. It is a very quick way to eat your saving and social security benefits. If you think Medicaid or Medicare will help, think again. Even if and when you qualify, your saving is now gone and they will only pay up to 50% of the cost, someone has to come up with the rest. Long-Term Care insurance can help with these costs in the unfortunate event you require nursing care.
Who should consider Long Term Care Insurance? If you think you will not qualify for Medicaid or full Medicare benefits due to a large saving, assets, or high income, this is a program for you. You do not want to end up having your children to pay for these expenses while you have to have them and possibly well after your death. It will keep you able to leave your loved ones a little something instead of sucking all your assets dry. Also if you can afford to pay the premiums you will likely not qualify for assistance so would truly benefit. If you currently have chronic health issues or have a family history of a long-term illness you would be off purchasing now than waiting. It will be too late to get a policy after you have already developed a long-term illness or disability. If you think at any point you might fall into any of the categories you might want to consider getting a plan earlier to be safe and covered. You can purchase a policy from most large insurance companies. As always, every state has different insurance regulations, therefore it is best to check with your state on specific determining factors and qualifications.
This coverage will help provide nursing-home care, home-health care, personal or adult day care usually for individuals above the age of 65 or with a chronic or disabling condition that needs constant supervision. LTC insurance offers more flexibility and options than many public assistance programs. Long-term care is usually very expensive, which is why most people need insurance. For example, on average, nursing facilities providing skilled care charge $150 to $300 per day, or over $80,000 a year or more. Even custodial home care at three visits per week, can cost over $9,000 a year. Most LTC insurance policies will cover only a specific dollar amount for each day you spend in a nursing facility or for each home-care visit. Thus, when considering an LTC insurance policy, read the policies carefully and compare the benefits to determine which policy will best meet your own needs.
Posted by health benefit at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health Insurance
Battling an Unfair Health Insurance Claim
Are you having trouble getting your insurance company to pay your medical health costs? Join the club. When managed care entered the insurance scene a decade ago, its mandate was to contain rising medical costs. One way to do that is to deny claims, even when claims are legitimate. The consumer backlash led to many states establishing independent review panels and requiring insurance companies to develop in-house appeal procedures. Forty-two states now have independent review boards whose decisions can override those of insurance companies. Most consumers don’t even realize these review boards exist.
Another problem is that too many people just give up when their insurance claim is denied initially. The appeals process can be long and frustrating and many people don’t have the patience or time to pursue a claim no matter how legitimate. People must be persistent and they can win. Particularly if there’s substantial money involved, the time you dedicate to appealing insurance company decisions can pay off usually more quickly than you think. A Kaiser Family Foundation study recently found that 52% of patients won their first appeal for each claim made. The insurance companies aren’t getting with out paying anymore.
If your first appeal gets turned down, press on. The study found that those who appealed a second time won 44% of the time. Those who appealed a third time won in 45% of cases. Which means the odds are in your favor no matter how long it take. Remember that every time you appeal it costs the insurance company more money to fight you and they are not only going to lose money to you, but also in court costs. Medical health benefits are particularly tricky because insurance companies usually have a cap on the amount of money they’ll spend in a given year, or on the amount of visits they’ll pay for. But there’s often some flexibility when you can document that you or your child’s health warrants more care than your policy usually covers. Here’s how to get started:
Do Your Homework
Read your Policy: What are the benefits? Which kinds of services are included? Outpatient or inpatient care? Is it a serious or “non-serious” diagnosis?
Know the law: Contact your local Health Association to determine your states legal requirements regarding insurance payments for all illness. Does your state require full or partial parity? Are parity benefits available only to patients with “Serious Illness” or is a so-called non-serious illness also included?
Provide written documentation: Some insurance companies may not consider some diagnosis’s serious. In this case, you will need documentation to validate required services. Obtain a letter of medical necessity from your doctor and get test results showing the medical need for you or your child to receive certain services, based on the diagnosis.
Keep good records: Remember, you’ll be dealing with a bureaucracy. Keep the names and numbers of everyone with whom you speak, the dates on which you spoke, and what transpired in the conversation.
Start early: If you can, start the appeals process prior to initiating treatment. If the doctor says your child will need to be seen once a week for a year, begin immediately to appeal your insurance company’s policy of reimbursing only 20 visits a year.
Call and Ask the Insurance Company:
What are the prerequisites for receiving health benefits?
How many visits are allowed annually for you or your child’s diagnosis? Can multiple services be combined on one day and be counted as only one day or one visit?
Which services must be pre-certified--by whom?
Be positive, polite and patient with the customer service representative. Remember that he/she is only the messenger, not the decision-maker. They are the gatekeepers and can either provide you with access to a decision maker or make your life miserable, depending on how you interact with them.
Be persistent. There are no magic bullets. Be like a dog with a bone and don’t give up until you get the answer you want. If you get nowhere after several calls, ask for a supervisor or a nurse in the pre-certification department.
Remember that you do have the right to appeal if your claim is denied. Most consumers get discouraged and will not continue to pursue a claim that should or could be paid. Insurance companies count on that happening, so get out there and claim what’s justifiably belong to you.
Posted by health benefit at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health Insurance
Candle Diffusers
Aromatherapy is a great natural way to relax and relieve stress and tension. It also will help with certain health problem. Aromatherapy is used to go with any treatment your Doctor has prescribed. Diffusion is spreading the scent of the natural oils throughout a room or any area. There are several ways to use diffusers to circulate the scent of healing oils through your home, or a particular space.
Some simple diffusion methods are useful but have their advantages and disadvantages. Placing three or four drops of oil on a tissue and leaving it near you is a simple diffusion method. Any movement in the room can cause the scent to be released from the tissue. It is helpful to use this method because it is portable and can be used anywhere. The disadvantage is that it doesn’t send much aroma out into the room.
There is steam diffusion that is effective as well. Drop up to 10 drops of oil in a bowl of steaming, boiled water. The steam will quickly spread the aroma throughout the room. The disadvantage is that heating may destroy the parts of the oils that have the most therapeutic value and are not as effective as cold-air diffusion methods.
Lamp rings are another effective ways of spreading aromatic oil throughout the room as well. Made from terra cotta they have a groove around the ring that holds the oil as it sits on a light bulb. They are usually inexpensive, but can cause a light bulb to break if some of the oil accidentally falls on it. Again, the heat can reduce the therapeutic value of the oils.
Clay pot diffusers also are made from terra cotta. The oil is put into the container and then a stopper is placed on top. The container absorbs the oils and spreads the aroma throughout the room. Aroma is usually strongest when the oil is placed in the pot and lessens every day. You may also buy fan diffusers, electric heat diffusers, and nebulizers for use in spreading aroma throughout the room.
Electric or battery ran fan diffusers have their advantages in that it uses a small fan to blow the aroma into the air. The oil is usually put on a disposable pad and the fan blows across this pad to diffuse the oils throughout a whole room. They are usually portable because you can use them with batteries. Also available are electric heat diffusers will spread the oil aroma throughout a large room, but as with other heat methods, it can reduce the therapeutic benefit of aromatic oils.
A candle diffuser is different in that it uses a tea light candle or any other candle to heat the oil and promote the diffusion into the room. A candle diffuser is normally made from ceramic or metal. It has a place for a candle and a small bowl or tray in which you place the drops of oils. You can buy candle diffusers in various colors and shapes and can be bought to go with the décor of your home.
There are some advantages and disadvantages to candle diffusers. The advantages are they can be inexpensive and you don’t need either batteries or electricity to run it. If you love candles and have ones that are scented already, this could be what you’re looking for. Another advantage is the aroma is light and isn’t overpowering in the room.
There are some disadvantages to candle diffusers or using candles in general. Another disadvantage is that you must be sure to keep replacement candles. In addition, it could be an advantage but also a disadvantage by only putting out a light aroma. It will not usually diffuse a whole room. As with other heat-generated diffusers, the heat may alter or destroy ingredients in the oils that have the most therapeutic benefit.
For those of you who prefer the ambience of candlelight and have candles lit to enhance mood most of the time, the candle diffuser would be the obvious choice. Keeping candles handy isn’t anything to worry about if you already collect and use decorative candles and tea lights. Candle diffusers are wonderful and give you the best of both worlds, the ambience of candle light and the benefits of aromatherapy.
Posted by health benefit at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Aromatherapy